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Accounting & Tax Articles

Superannuation Guarantee Amnesty

Superannuation Guarantee Amnesty

The federal government recently introduced legislation that will provide a one-off amnesty on unpaid and late paid super guarantee amounts. This is an important opportunity for employers to use the amnesty to meet any outstanding super obligations, with minimal...

Outstanding tax returns?

Introducing AAG’s Extended Lodgement Program! If you’re yet to complete your tax return for last financial year or even the year (or years!) prior - don’t panic. While the ATO states that individuals must lodge all outstanding tax returns by 31 October 2019, AAG’s...

Technology, Tax and Going Electronic – Part 3

Individuals: Going Electronic We’ve been hearing it a lot in the media recently that ‘everything is going electronic’ and this includes your ‘old fashioned’ PAYG Payment Summary which will no longer be issued by your employer from next financial year (ending 30 June...

Technology, Tax and Going Electronic – Part 2

Businesses – the ATO is closing the gaps The ATO is now closing the gaps, and are honing-in on non-compliance by businesses. Single Touch Payroll is the latest change that is going to hit all businesses. In our view, this is the most significant change to business...

Technology, Tax and Going Electronic – Part 1

Big Brother is watching your Tax Moves! What it means for you! It's no secret that the ATO are working towards watching every move that individuals and businesses are making by using technology and data matching numerous and varied sources of information. Recent...

Single Touch Payroll for Businesses

Many clients will be aware that the ATO has been moving its activity to data matching and to be able to match up information from different sources to enable them to narrow down any missed revenue from a tax perspective. The ATO started this process over 12 months...