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AustAsia Group Christmas Message 2019

Dec 16, 2019 | General

As we start to wrap things up for 2019, we’ve been reflecting on the year that was.

2019 will be remembered as a more eventful year than most for many reasons:

    1. Australian Politics – we saw the Labor Party lose the unlosable election;
    2. World Politics – it has been like the ‘Game of Thrones’, with each of the world leaders staking their claim to world dominance – from Donald Trump (USA), to Kim Jun Ung (North Korea) to Xi Jinping (China), then for Theresa May falling on her sword and the rise of Boris Johnson (UK), to the apparent weakening of the CDU Party in Germany with Angela Merkel announcing that she will step down as Chancellor in 2021. The world has certainly seen its fair share of changes and none of this even takes into account the ongoing threats of terror attacks and unrest in the Middle East and Asia;
    3. The Australian Economy – our interest rates have fallen to the lowest level on record to try to fire-up the economy but so far, to no avail;
    4. The World Economy – has been going up and down like a yoyo, depending on Donald Trump’s latest Tweet and the response from China;
    5. Share markets have done OK;
    6. Property markets have not done so well; and
    7. Cashflow remains the biggest concern for most of our clients.

From an AAG point of view, we say goodbye to our 40th year in business. It’s certainly been a very busy year but  we’re already looking forward to assisting our loyal clients for 40 more years into the future.

We take this opportunity to thank you for your support of our business this year. We are a family business, and we pride ourselves on family values and helping clients to achieve their goals.

Thanks also to our staff for their dedication and hard work – it’s been a bumpy ride from time to time while we managed and juggled work deadlines, client expectations and all of the things outside our control in the above list of key events in 2019.

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas (for those of a Christian religion), a Happy Holidays (for those of other religions) and we trust that 2020 will be a safe, happy and prosperous year for everyone.

PS. We leave you with one of ‘Syd’s Sayings’ to ponder over the Christmas season when we all typically spend time with family and friends and talk about New Year’s resolutions and making plans for the year ahead: “There are investment decisions and lifestyle decisions – lifestyle decisions cost you money so you can’t apply investment thinking to a lifestyle decision.”

Merry Christmas!

Simon Chesson, Director

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This publication has been prepared by AustAsia Group (ABN 33 069 896 920).

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Information in this publication is accurate as at the date of writing, 17 December 2019. Some of the information may have been provided to us by third parties. While it is believed the information is accurate and reliable, the accuracy of that information is not guaranteed in any way.

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Date Published: December 16, 2019 | Last Modified: July 24, 2020