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Important emails not getting to clients

Apr 10, 2018 | General

Over recent months we’ve been told by some of our clients that they haven’t received emails from us, resulting in delays in us meeting their service expectations.

The common link in the feedback we’ve received reveals that clients with a Hotmail, MSN, @live.com or @outlook.com email address are the ones who are most likely to not receive our emails, although many clients with these addresses have received them, with no apparent problems… The intermittent nature of the problem and the fact that we as the Sender aren’t notified that the mail couldn’t be delivered, and neither are our clients, has made this matter all the more frustrating for everyone.

Our research into this matter shows that these email delivery problems are nothing new and have been going on for some years, although seem to be more prevalent again recently. It appears that there is no short-term ‘fix’ in sight and that some Hotmail/MSN/ andlive.com/outlook.comusers may not even be aware of the problem.

So, here are our recommendations:

1) If you have a Hotmail/MSN/live.com/outlook.comemail address, ideally you should not be using it as your primary email address, rather for email that is important to you, setup/use an email address from icloud.com  gmail.comgmx.comor even yahoo.com which are all alternative free email services, that have proven to be more reliable and consistent.

2) If you want to continue using your Hotmail/MSN/live.com/outlook.com email address, to increase the likelihood that you will receive email from your contact person(s) at AustAsia Group, please manually add that person(s) to your individual address book within Hotmail/MSN/live.com/outlook.com.

The best way to do this is:

  • Log into your online email account via the web at www.outlook.com.
  • Click on the top left corner click on the block of 9 dots and select People.
  • Click ‘+ New’ and fill out the contact details, to add them to your address book.

If you have any questions regarding this matter or would like to get the email address/es of your AustAsia Group representative/s, please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.

Date Published: April 10, 2018 | Last Modified: July 24, 2020