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Share Prices are down, what should I do? – Don’t waste the Downturn!

Aug 12, 2019 | Investments

If there is one thing that is certain in life, it is uncertainty.

Back in February 2018, we posted about the sell-off in global stock markets, not because of any inherent structural problems but due to a decent leap in US wage growth, which saw bond yields jump in a knee-jerk reaction.

Since then there have been other issues at play too, like iron ore prices, Banking Royal Commissions, Aged Care Royal Commissions, and elections. All of these things provide uncertainty.

Now in August 2019, it’s the latest round of trade tensions between the US and China (again) which have spooked global markets.

You can refer back at our full February 2018 post here however we reiterate our Conclusion in that article here because it’s just as pertinent today:

Markets are generally driven by fear and greed. To get ahead of the game, you must

  • “buy when nobody else wants to” = fear of the market; and
  • “sell when nobody else wants to” = greed will fuel inexplicable buying.

At AAG, our investment philosophy has always been to source quality income paying investments that are sustainable in times of economic or political upheaval. Focusing on income allows an accumulation of funds to invest in your future.

So don’t waste the downturn, let’s get to work and rise above the headlines! Take a deep breath and remember:

  1. Skilled investors stick to their flight plan – stay the course and stay on target;
  2. Cash flow is king. Look for gifts that keep on giving in the shape of dividend income paying streams;
  3. Don’t waste any downturn – history has shown them to be only temporary;
  4. Opportunities are always there, sometimes they just require a closer look; and
  5. Have realistic market expectations.

Please contact us if you would like further information or clarification via email at investments@ww2.austasiagroup.com or call us on (08) 9227 6300 and ask for the Investments Team.

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Date Published: August 12, 2019 | Last Modified: July 24, 2020