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Federal Budget 2019-2020 Summary

Josh Frydenberg’s Back In Black Tour We have reviewed and consolidated a wide range of market commentary into this summary of the 2019-20 Federal Budget. The Budget contains proposals at this stage, they are not law and will only become law if passed by Parliament....

Property Market Follow-Up

Further to our update last week on the Property Market. We were pleased to see some more commentary from other property industry players who have similar sentiment. This is a quote which we thought summarised the position well: The reality is, there are a vast number...

The Importance of Landlord’s Insurance

Landlord’s Insurance helps to provide you with peace of mind that your investment property will be covered should the unexpected happen. You can cover your leased or rented property including flats, units, apartments and houses. We recommend that all residential...

Property Exchange Australia (PEXA)

As from the 1st December 2018, the Western Australian Land Registry, more commonly known as Landgate, made it mandatory that the following documents are lodged with them electronically: Transfers of Land Mortgages Eligible Discharges of Mortgages Caveats Withdrawal of...