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AAG Settlements is a licensed Real Estate and Business Settlement Agent with over 50 years combined industry experience, registered with the WA Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety.

AAG Settlements performs all the necessary functions and services involved in Property Settlements, Business Settlements and Refinance Transactions.

We provide a professional, friendly, ethical and efficient range of services and follow a strict policy of only acting for one party involved in a transaction. This ensures conflicts of interest never arise during the settlement process.

  • Preparation, stamping, lodgement of Transfer, and other required documents
  • Settlement due diligence, including Certificate of Title and associated plan and encumbrance searches (e.g. caveats, mortgages and covenants)
  • Verification of identity as per Landgate’s registration policy
  • Liaising with banks and financiers
  • Assisting, recommending and attending to Special Conditions set out in Agreements and Contracts
  • Attending to Regulatory Authorities and their legislative requirements
  • Adjustment of Rates and Taxes as applicable to your transaction
  • Arranging Section 43 (Strata Enquiry) as applicable to your transaction
  • Preparation and finalisation of Settlement Statements
  • Providing a comprehensive Final Inspection Checklist
  • Serving Notices of Default where applicable
  • Scheduling Settlement with all associated parties
  • Attendance at Settlement
  • Notifying Rating Authorities of the change of ownership

AAG Settlements provides services for a wide variety of Settlement transactions including:

  • Residential Property Settlements
  • Commercial Property Settlements
  • Finance and Refinancing Settlements
  • Business Settlements
  • Dealing with more complex Settlement matters including, but not limited to:
    • Changing Company Name
    • Family Court Settlements
    • Substitute Purchaser
    • De-facto Partner Transfers
    • Related Parties Transaction
    • Changing Trustee Names
    • Application By Survivorship/Transmission
    • Application for Lost Title
    • Application for Strata/New Balance Titles

AAG Settlements also provides non-settlement related services including:

  • Company Searches
  • Company Document Searches
  • Lodgement of documents with ASIC
  • Extraordinary Landgate Searches (Historical Searches)
  • Registration of Enduring Power of Attorney documents
    • This is only applicable to Western Australia, where it’s a requirement that an Attorney can only sign on their Donor’s behalf in any Land registration if their Enduring Power of Attorney is registered at Landgate.

AAG Settlements provides a schedule of fees set by over 50 years combined industry experience and in accordance with current legislation. We disclose all settlement fees and associated out of pocket and disbursement costs to our clients, prior to commencing work on their settlement.

If you would like further information on AAG Settlements and the many services we provide, please contact us on (08) 9227 6300.


Published Date: Mar 12, 2020 | Last Modified: July 6, 2020